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  • Making the BIM accessible for all

    BIM collaboration for everyone

    Share, meet, collaborate, and make great decisions

Mnogo je načina korištenja Vrex

Naši korisnici svakodnevno pronalaze nove načine korištenja VR tehnologija u svom svakodnevnom poslu. Ovdje vam donosimo nekoliko praktičnih primjera.
Isprobajte! Vrex je jednostavan i vrlo napredan BIM kolaboracijski alat.

Surađujte u realnom vremenu i u realnom 3D BIM modelu. Čim pristupite aplikaciji - sve je kao u stvarnosti i sve se bolje razumije, vidi i komentira.
Svi iz vašeg tima mogu se uključiti i zajedno prošetati objektom - kao na stvarnom gradilištu.

Tako se ostvaruje bolja povezanost svih disciplina i bolje razumijevanje projekta i eventualnih problema.

Doprinesite timu svojom ekspertizom iz vlastitog kuta gledanja i postavite pitanja i detektirajte nejasnoće na vrijeme.

Nema potrebe za tehničkom obukom ili za posjedovanje BIM vještina, sve je nadohvat ruke pa možete komentirati kao na samom gradilištu.

Sa, ali može i bez VR naočala

The natural way to use Vrex is with VR headsets. Vrex has effective tools to navigate the model alone or in a group to relevant locations. This makes it easy for users without any BIM or VR experience to use.

Sastanci - na uobičajeni način

Stakeholders can join using a traditional meeting room setting. Follow the virtual meetings from the shoulds of VR users to see their point of view, or navigate freely.

Dovoljan je i obični laptop

Join comfortably from your own laptop, no VR equipment required. Share the view of the speakers, or navigate freely with all the Vrex functionality avilable.

Svi na okupu

Group VR sessions are great to involve owners, end-users, or regulatory agencies. It is an easy way to give the VR perspective to those without access to VR equipment.

Instant connection one-to-one or with a group. Hop in for a brief discussion for fast-paced decision making. Create reports, tag people to assign them tasks. Everything available in both VR and on traditional screens. No BIM experience required

Dijeljenje BIM modela ne može biti jednostavnije

  1. Add BIM models to Vrex manually or automatic through one of our many integrations
  2. Create a virtual room that instantly makes the models available to anyone you grant access
  3. Enjoy a productive meeting!

Either in VR or with traditional screens

Izaberite vlastiti način rada

Vrex can work with most authoring software, either directly or through our integrations with the best project and issue management systems on the market. This makes for an efficient and easy to use workflow.

Tvrtka Vixel

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